Calligraphy (from the Greek: κάλλος kallos "beauty" + γραφή graphẽ "writing") is often called the art of fancy lettering. A contemporary definition of calligraphic practice is "the art of giving form to letters in an expressive, harmonious and skilful manner".
Calligraphy is an exacting craft, demanding historical knowledge, a highly developed aesthetic sensibility, a dexterous hand and the ability to practice endlessly. It is the search for perfection, for its own sake. I have been told many times that it is a moving experience to watch a calligrapher in full flow, and for my own part it is always a near spiritual experience especially when recreating Medieval Illuminated manuscripts (in Latin and Hebrew scripts-please see links below.)
Calligraphy relies on a subtle alchemy of nib, ink and paper, not every ink works with every nib and both work better on some papers than others. Almost no-one understands paper/ink qualities anymore and many of my wedding clients are often surprised that I must be consulted at a very early stage. Technology is such that no-one writes anything meaningful anymore apart from the odd birthday card and now that so few people write by hand, pen-friendly paper is even rarer.
About Claudine
My work includes all forms of Wedding stationery, Wedding Vows and poems, memorial pages, certificates, dedications, Donor books, illuminated artwork, favourite poems, quotes, cards, and illuminated manuscripts. Examples of my other work can be found by following the links below.
Invitations – for weddings, dinners, corporate events – are my stock in trade. I charge by scripts (some in the range I offer are more time-consuming than others), and can write every invitation individually, or do just one and print the rest from a high-resolution scan.
My only regret regarding calligraphy is that I wasted so long in pursuing a 'normal' career. It was only when struck down with a chronic illness that I had time to rediscover my love of beautiful writing.
It is not overstating it to say that calligraphy helped me reconnect to my zest for life and deepened immeasurably my spiritual understanding. Serendipity indeed.
Serendipity. It is my favourite word and philosophy because it is beautifully simple, life-affirming and so demonstrably provable in my own life. Should this subject interest you please refer to my Blog' where I wax lyrical.)
I am a self-taught calligrapher and illuminator who has been fortunate enough over many years to attract both personal and corporate commissions. As mentioned above I now work in various disciplines:
ketubbot and judaica:
My clients include:
The Royal College of Music, London
(Patron: HRH The Prince of Wales)
The Wigmore Hall, London
Barclays Bank plc
Many examples of my varied works can be found on the above websites. Please take a look at the picture galleries.
Please do not hesitate to contact me to discuss your calligraphy needs or via my email:
Many thanks for taking the time to read this. I would be very pleased indeed to read your comments on my work at Guestbook