my very first blog

detail of an illuminated tableplan border
detail of an illuminated tableplan border

I suppose my first blog should include my experiences building this website. To say that I am much more adept with a quill or nibbed pen than a computer keyboard is I hope to state the completely obvious!


If you find the website a little simplistic I trust you will feel differently about my work. I would much rather undertake the long and highly detailed work of creating your wedding invitation than attempt another page of this website. 


I have worked with many, many brides-to-be on their very special day. From calligraphied invites (usually a calligraphied master copy that is then scanned and printed) envelopes and RSVP cards to placecards, menus, order of service and tableplans (examples of all of these can be found in the picture gallery.)


Calligraphy always adds that final touch of elegance. In these days of instant and homogenised communication; texts, emails, twitter and junk mail there is very great delight (I am told constantly by clients) in receiving a calligraphied envelope in the post. Many recipients display the envelope as well as the invitation on their mantlepieces!


I would be more than happy to discuss any aspect of your wedding that you might want calligraphied, please do not hesitate to contact me via the Contact page above.


Whether you are merely browsing or indeed are planning a wedding I would be grateful for your comments (on my work rather than my computer skills!) on the Guestbook page. 


Thanks for visiting.








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